Map details

MapnameOrbital Special League
Filename ut4_orbital_sl.bsp [ readme ]
Author Kr0t4L
Modification Urban Terror
Game type ctf Capture the flag
Maximum count of players 24
ffa Free For All
Maximum count of players 24
ts Team Survivor
Maximum count of players 24
ftl Follow the Leader
Maximum count of players 24
cah Capture and Hold
Maximum count of players 24
bomb Bomb and Defuse
Maximum count of players 24
ut_team Team deathmatch (Urban Terror)
Maximum count of players 24
Functions door moving sound
Defrag online records q3df fastcaps
Defrag racing
Defrag demos Speedcapture
Release date
Pk3 file ut4_orbital_sl.pk3 [ Report ]
File size 14.93 MB
Checksum MD5: 8ad03fd10bd16279c6b6d873046f1001

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