Map details

MapnameStorm the Castle
Filename stormcastle.bsp
Author Incinerator
Modification Threewave
Game type ctf Capture the flag
Maximum count of players 32
cctf Classic Capture The Flag
Maximum count of players 32
Weapons mg rl lg rg pg
Items ra sa haste health mega smallh quad regen medkit ptele
Functions push slime sound
Bots Anarki Biker Keel Lucy Mynx Ranger Tank Jr. Visor
Defrag online records q3df fastcaps
Defrag racing
Defrag demos Speedcapture
Release date
Pk3 file stormcastle.pk3 [ Report ]
File size 10.35 MB
Checksum MD5: 3e9f59499f185826ca23e9cc2fb6ad91
Map dependencies (4) Textures: {Quake III: Arena} {Team Arena} alliance_maps01 mapmedia

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