Map details

Mapnamesmc03 experimenting with overbounces
Filename smc03_halvorgb.bsp
Author halvorgb
Modification Defrag
Weapons rl pg
Items ya enviro haste largeh
Functions push ice t
Difficult level
  • Q
  • Q
  • Q
Defrag style run
Defrag physics vq3, cpm
Defrag online records vq3, cpm
Defrag racing: vq3, cpm
Defrag demos vq3, cpm
Release date
Pk3 file smc03_halvorgb.pk3 [ Report ]
File size 5.53 MB
Checksum MD5: 6985789b51f6e620bc7dadf2329f6a60
Map dependencies (1) Textures: {Quake III: Arena}

Download smc03_halvorgb.pk3!

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