Map details

MapnameThe Place Of Stupid
Filename mtl-ctf3.bsp [ readme ]
Author MaTeL1S
Game type ctf Capture the flag
Maximum count of players 18
Weapons sg gl rl lg rg pg
Items ra ya sa largeh smallh quad
Functions door push fog lava
Bots Anarki Doom Klesk Major Patriot Razor Sarge Tank Jr.
Defrag online records q3df fastcaps
Defrag racing
Defrag demos Speedcapture
Release date
Pk3 file mtl-ctf3.pk3 [ Report ]
File size 2.40 MB
Checksum MD5: 56a90878b705caa50d40da19702501ad
Map dependencies (7) Textures: {Quake III: Arena} {Team Arena} 3ont-run_down aecap alliance_maps01 mapmedia runstolfer

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